3M Club Outdoor Club
Registration Form for BWCA Trail Clearing Trip(s) January 16-18, 2009
Phone day:
Phone eve/cell:
1) I am interested in helping organize 2009 trail clearing trips
Yes or Not really
(circle nearest)
(Check one) þ
M: c
F: c
T-shirt size:
(circle one)
(subject to availability)
Briefly describe any previous trail clearing experiences?
(Check one) þ
I can drive and take
# of passengers
I prefer to drive by myself
I need a ride
c Other ________________________________
The amount of $_________________ is included.
Fill this registration and mail copy with a check for $50
($60 after January 11) made out to "3M Club Outdoor Club" to:
BWA Committee
c/o Martin Kubik
PO BOX 270593
Vadnais Heights
MN 55127
BWCA Trail Clearing Trip
January 16-18,2009
Group limit: 8
Trip registration: $50 (includes lodging)
Status See meetup site for space available or call 651-214-5849 before you register for update.
Payment deadline: January , $60 thereafter if space is available
What: Our crew may be clearing west end of the Kekekabic Trail.
How: US Forest Service provides cross cut saws, bow saws, and pruning sheers and volunteers clear a path. A well maintained trail allows hikers to enjoy the wilderness.
Boundary Waters Advisory Committee
It's not just a hike, it's an experience!
Our plan is to snowshoe in to Kekekabic Trail on Saturday morning.
Smitty's on Snowbank in our own cabin with wood stove!!! Bedding provided for the first 6 people who pay. Others bring sleeping bag and foam pad. Dining/living room area, three bedrooms, baths, gas stove, electricity. Pine board panelled walls and ceiling. Bring your own soap and towels, please leave your electronic devices at home. Bring a book or your favorite group game for entertainment. Smittys website with map and directions
Bring your own or if enough participants want to form food committee, and share cost – that is an option.
Friday: Leave at 12:30 pm from north TC suburb (or after work). Arrive on Friday afternoon or evening.
Saturday: Get up at 6:30 am and eat breakfast. Be ready to hit the trail by 8:30 am. Work until 4 pm or so and return to cabin (bring headlamp) by 6:30 pm for dinner.
Sunday: Program ski or snow shoe.
Physical Fitness Level:
This trip will require high level of physical fitness. Participants may hike 7 miles in a day. We encourage you to discuss any concerns with crew leader.
How do I sign up?
1) Call 651-214-5849 first and see if there is still space available. Print out and fill in the attached application. Mail with $50 check made to “3M Club Outdoor Club” to
BWA Committee
c/o Martin Kubik
PO BOX 270593
Vadnais Heights
MN 55127
2) You will receive a confirmation by email and a crew leader will contact you. If you do not hear back within 3 days, please call the number below
3) Visit this website periodically of updates, crew leader information etc. Want to volunteer with organizing? We need help. Tell us what your interests and skills are and let’s see how we can match you with the volunteer organizations needs.
4) Registered participants contact information will be shared for car pool information only.
5) Each participant will need to sign a liability waiver prior to the trip.
Copy/paste into Word, print and fill out the form below and mail registration with payment to the address at bottom